[Jun 9, 2017] HSVFEST 2017 (Lavington, NSW)

Discussion in 'Public Events' started by AIR, May 17, 2017.

Posted By AIR

Quality Resort Siesta
416 Wagga Rd, Lavington NSW 2641, Australia
Friday, June 9, 2017 - 12:00 AM
(ends Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 11:00 PM)
Timezone: Australia/Sydney

Upcoming Occurrences

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  1. AIR

    AIR Member Staff Member GTSR VERIFIED

    Apr 17, 2017
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    HSV Fest 2017
    The HSV Fest was first setup as a get together between the HSV Owners Clubs of Vic and ACT and stayed just between those two clubs for a couple of years. That is until 2015 when the HSV Owners Club of NSW was invited as a guest to attend and then returned once again as a guest in 2016.

    This year, in 2017 our club is no longer considered a guest but considered as an equal partner that brings many strengths to the group.

    The HSV Fest is a coming together of people that are passionate about their HSV’s. During the 4 days together we enjoy displaying our HSV’s at the local HSV Dealer, McRae HSV, a full day of Motorsport activity and plenty of downtime at the local watering hole.

    It really is a fantastic weekend!

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